Thursday was the day that everyone was waiting for. We had to present our lesson plan in front of the class, endure some constructive criticism, and we were finally being told what school we would be teaching at. Follo
wing the school announcement we were led into an auditorium to enjoy more cultural performances at the closing ceremony.
Everyone got up early Friday morning to lour our designated bus to our respective provinces. The ride to Ulsan was about three and a half hours but the scenery was beautiful. Korea is surrounded by water and filled with tree covered mountains which make for some striking views. When our bus arrived in Ulsan, we went straight to the Metropolitan of Education (MOE) building where we finally got to meet our co-teachers.. I stood on the side of the street with my pile of luggage anxiously waiting to meet my teacher. Teachers were running around holding up signs with the name of their school on it. Other EPIK teachers around me were meeting their teachers as I stood there patiently waiting. It felt a little like being picked last in gym class. I began to wonder if my teacher looked out the window, saw me a
nd ran.
Finally my name was called and we met. His 'English' name is Johnson. He stands about five foot four and just as sweet as can be. We said hello, shook hands and got in his car. I could tell he was very nervous and he informed me that he was worried all week about meeting me and speaking English. (Most Koreans are very shy and scared to speak to English native speakers). Once I told him that his English was very good, he gained some confidence and we had a nice conversation on the ride to the motel. That's right, I am currently staying at the Zeus Motel until the previous English teacher moves out of the apartment. It's quite an experience. It's a swanky little motel and I can't help but laugh every time I enter and leave it; but it's in a good location in town and only about 300 yards from my new school. My first night in Ulsan I found a pizza place! I cannot tell you how excited I was. I had to eat something o
ther than rice for a change and pizza has never tasted so good!!! The area of Ulsan I am in is very developed. I have had the opportunity to walk around and I like it. I am right next to their sports stadium, and only a $2.00 taxi ride from their mall and grocery store. I really like it so far. I still feel like I am on vacation but I am sure that will ware off after the first week of classes. I have included some pictures of the area in Ulsan I am staying.
Finally my name was called and we met. His 'English' name is Johnson. He stands about five foot four and just as sweet as can be. We said hello, shook hands and got in his car. I could tell he was very nervous and he informed me that he was worried all week about meeting me and speaking English. (Most Koreans are very shy and scared to speak to English native speakers). Once I told him that his English was very good, he gained some confidence and we had a nice conversation on the ride to the motel. That's right, I am currently staying at the Zeus Motel until the previous English teacher moves out of the apartment. It's quite an experience. It's a swanky little motel and I can't help but laugh every time I enter and leave it; but it's in a good location in town and only about 300 yards from my new school. My first night in Ulsan I found a pizza place! I cannot tell you how excited I was. I had to eat something o
Sunday, Johnson stopped by the hotel to take my temperature (they are paranoid about the swine flu) and to see how I am. He then took me to a Home Plus store or their equivalent of a Wal-Mart. It's huge! It has three floors and they have everything you could possibly need. I bought an iron and some indoor shoes for school. Apparently, you wear whatever kind of shoes you want to school, then you have to change to your 'indoor' shoes once you get there. They are not the least bit attractive but they are comfortable which is important. He then drove me around showing me where some other stores were and drove me past the East Sea (or the Japanese Sea as they call it in Japan). It was very pretty and is famous for their rocky beaches. A good place to go and visit in the summer months he told me. Well, that's as much of an update as I can give at the moment. Wish me luck on my first day of school Tuesday, September 1st!!!!
Random funny story: So yesterday, Andrew and I were walking around trying to find where my school was. I had the address in hand that Johnson wrote out for me both in English and Korean and thought it was going to be no problem. Well, Andrew and I had completely different interpretations of his hand drawn map and got lost (thanks to Andrew). I ended up asking a guy walking on the sidewalk for help. He spoke no English, and since I can only say, hello, nice to meet you and thanks you in Korean, this posed a bit of a problem. Now on this paper that Johnson had given me, he wrote down his name and his number. This guy that was walking us to the school (because he couldn't give me the directions in English) was trying to ask me something I think but I had no idea what he was saying. He took the paper and began to dial the number. Horrified, I tried to indicate that he didn't need to call Johnson, I just wanted to see the school and now that I had I was going to leave. He started laughing (probably at my gestures in an attempt to communicate with him) and started talking in Korean. I just looked at Andrew with this 'oh crap' look and then he hands the phone to me. I tried to explain to Johnson what had happened but he just kept asking me why I didn't call him when I was having trouble. I felt so bad because it got way out of hand and all I wanted was to see the freakin' school!
You are CRACKING me up! Have you learned to say "Am I eating dog?" yet? That might be important.
ReplyDeleteI went to Springfield this weekend, and missed you a lot!
Stremme I am impressed with that beer you are holding! Surely you didn't drink the whole thing? I can't wait to hear what you think about your students!
ReplyDeleteSTREMME! I am so happy you are enjoying yourself and like your teacher. It sounds like such a great experience and makes me think of when we went to Greece together :( I miss you already!!